Who is your love dragon? Wings of fire

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This is my first quiz, so I hope you like it! I included some dragons from the first and second arc but not the third because the whole thing isn't out..... STILL WAITING FOR THE SECOND ONE

The quiz will hopefully be okay for my first one, so I only put a few questions, I hope that's okay..... Maybe if this one goes well I'll make another one.

Created by: KITKATS RULE
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What do you like to eat?
  3. where do you live?
  4. What is your personality?
  5. How do you eat your food?
  6. Do you get annoyed easly?
  7. Are you lazy?
  8. Straight A's?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. Rate please?

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Quiz topic: Who is my love dragon? Wings of fire
