Who is your Harry Potter boyfriend

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Your results on this quiz is based on your personality. The boys that are in this quiz include: Harry, Ron, Draco, Oliver, Neville, and viktor Krum. It also includes the house your in.

I really cant say this quiz is perfect, its my first ever... I really hope you'll like it. Please answer honestly, all of the questions have to do with all the boys (some more than others) except the first 2 questions. Good luck!

Created by: Kali
  1. What do you do during your free time?
  2. (Why do people hats this question so much) Fav Color?
  3. Do you like sports?
  4. Who do you want?
  5. What's your personality like. Pick closest.
  6. Did you read the books?
  7. Pick a song.(you can obviously tell I'm a fan of rock :D)
  8. Fate:
  9. Patronus? sp?
  10. Good luck! If you don't get who you want take the quiz again. Your result is based on your personality.

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Quiz topic: Who is my Harry Potter boyfriend