Who is your godly parent?

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Ever wondered who your godly parent is? Just take this simple test, and I'll tell you! I know, it's been done a million times, but whatever. :) Hope you enjoy!

Credits go to the artists who made the artwork and to the amazing Rick Riordan for writing the wonderful book known as Percy Jackson. No hate, please, but I would love feedback.

Created by: Niko Parrish
  1. If one of your parents were not your real parent, which would it be?
  2. What's your favorite colour?
  3. Are you an extrovert, an introvert, or an ambivert?
  4. Whats your best quality?
  5. What's your worst quality?
  6. How would your friends describe you?
  7. What's your favorite class in school?
  8. What do you do in your free time?
  9. Would you rather be called smart or funny?
  10. Would you rather be called tough or kind?
  11. Do you like thunderstorms?
  12. Do you like the sea?
  13. Do you like being alone?
  14. Are you really smart?
  15. Do you think having a romantic relationship is important?
  16. Do you really care about the environment?
  17. Do you like being outside in the sun?
  18. Is fighting important to you?
  19. Do you like building stuff?
  20. Do you like partying?
  21. What's your biggest fear?
  22. Do you like things messy or organized?
  23. What would you be doing in capture the flag?
  24. Have a great day!

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Quiz topic: Who is my godly parent?

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