Who is your Fnaf boyfriend (or girlfriend)?

Ever wonder who you would date in Fnaf? Well, now you can know! There is ten questions, and you will be tested on who you will date. I hope you like this quiz. I hope you will be happy with your result, or if you aren’t, there is a similar quiz made by Royal_pink cat 24. (She is my best friend)

If you get a female character, and you are a female, you can retake this quiz, or go to the one made by Royal_pink cat 24. Beware, there are five characters i put in this test, three males, and two females. I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Tianna Moore
  1. How old are you?
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. What is your fav color?
  4. Who is your fav character?
  5. What do you think of this quiz so far?
  6. Nhbgthfnjdnhfvgnfjdmc
  7. Sorry, didn’t know what to put the last question.
  8. Who do think you will get?
  9. What is your least fav subject in school
  10. This is the last question.... so..... bai....

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Quiz topic: Who is my Fnaf boyfriend (or girlfriend)?
