Who Is Most Likely To Kill You?

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This quiz is stupid. I already know that, so no mean words, okay? I now it's a dumb damned quiz, so be nice.

So how will you get killed? And who will do it? Your fate depend on the answers... not really, I just needed to have an omnious ending sentence.

Created by: Lilyan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What annoys you the most?
  2. Who fights with you the most?
  3. What do you avoid the most?
  4. I'm running out of questions.
  5. Zombies are attacking your home right now. You can take two people with you in you submarine. Who would you take with you?
  6. You can have one wish. But you have to kill someone with that wish. Who would you wish to die?
  7. Everyone one is dying. You have the power to heal yourself, and one more person, who?
  8. Who argues the most with you?
  9. ((no effect)) What is your favorite color?
  10. I ran out of questions, Will you rate and comment?

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