Who is Better For Bella Swan?

Who is better for Bella Swan? You decide! Take the quiz and you decide! We have easy questions, and mind busti'n questions! So, who is better for Bella Swan? You Decide!!

Are you up for it? Are you not sure? Well, thanx to this mind quiz, in just a few minutes, you'll know! Edward or Jacob? This quize has questions, that'll bust that vault door open and the answer is yours...

Created by: Jazie 101 of Starlets
(your link here more info)
  1. Which one do you think is hotter?
  2. Do You Think Jacob is obnoxious?
  3. Do You Think Edward Is Obnoxious?
  4. If You Were Bella, Would you leave Forks under the pressure of the two guys?
  5. Do You Think about Twilight Everyday?
  6. Would You rather Be a vampire, or a warewolf?
  7. As Many know, Bella is a total Mary Sue Character. Why do you think Edward and Jacob are so attracted to her?
  8. Why do you think Edwars better?
  9. Which one do you think sounds cooler? The Cullens, or Quilutes?
  10. Ok, So, Edwards a Vampire, Jacobs a Warewolf. Be honest, which one do you think is cooler?

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