Who in the Fellowship would you be-friend?

I have made this quiz as a simple and fun activity, (and as a lord of the rings lover!) to find out who you would be friend from the burdened fellowship on their trip to moria.

Take a look, and see if you'll be a drinking dwarf, happy hobbit, beautiful elf, lone ranger or a wizard. I think you will enjoy!

Created by: Sophia
  1. What kind of hair do you like?
  2. What is your age?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. What weapon do you prefer?
  5. Are you very sensitive to scents and far away sights?
  6. What does one best describe you as?
  7. Would you give up your immortality to be with your love?
  8. What is your fighting style?
  9. What do you like to spend your time doing?
  10. What is your ideal home like?

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