Who are you voting for?

. Continues to prop up Russian conspiracies The Mueller Report and multiple intellegent agencies all noted that it was Russia that interferred with the 2016 Presidential Election. However, this didn’t stop Trump from claiming that it was Ukraine. Where did he get that idea? Well, because Putin told him. 4. Cozying up to dictatorsTrump has no qualms with cozying up to the worst human rights violaters in power today. From Vladimir Putin to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In fact, Trump said that he gets along better with these people than media journalists. 3. Abandoning our Kurdish AlliesIn a big blow to our allies, Trump decided to completely abandon the Kurds. This effectively endorsed the Turkish genocide on the Kurds. Over 130,000 Kurds have been forced to leave their home and ISIS prisoners escaped. To top it all off, Trump even claimed that the Kurds are “better off” without American involvment. 2. Ukraine aid scandalThanks to this, Donald Trump is now the third president in US history to be impeached. Despite no wrongdoing on Biden’s part, on July 18, Trump withheld more than $400 million in aid to Ukraine to get them to investigate Biden. The order to freeze the aid came only 90-minutes after his now infamous phone call with Zelensky. 1. Trumps abhorrent immigraiton policyBetween April and June, 24 immigrants died while in ICE custodies. The condition in these concentration camps are horrid. The Trump administration has gone so far to deny children something so…

an you imagine what Republicans would say if Obama even entertained the thought of ending the BAR’s vetting process? Can you even imagine what they would do if he picked a judge ranked “not qualified”? 8. Kicking people off food stamps It’s no secret that Republicans hate welfare and demonize people on food stamps. His new draconian policy will kick more than 700,000 people off food stamp roles. Many of the people affected can’t find work or are severly underemployed. Many low-paying jobs won’t offer people a full 20-hour work-week. Should these people be punished because their employer won’t give them a 20-hour week? Fun fact: Food stamps boost retailers and contribute significantly to the economy. In fact, food stamp benefits even helped lift the economy out of recession. 7. Placed a “Gag rule” on Title XNearly 900 clinics lost federal funding after the new gag rule. Despite the fact that the Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding for abortions, apparently this doesn’t go far enough for the forced birthers. The damage is real. As of Oct 2019, 5 states now lack any Title X clinics. Rachael Gold and Lauren Cross notes:Each component of the new regulations is harmful. Taken together, the domestic gag rule is blatantly coercive and a violation of medical ethics and patients’ rights. As a cornerstone of the Trump administration’s ideological agenda against reproductive rights, the gag rule is designed to reduce access to family planning care for people with low incomes and…

Created by: BINGUS
  1. Who are you voting for trump or bidden
  2. WHo is sexy
  3. Who tried to buy Greenland?
  4. Who imposed a ‘Muslim travel ban’?
  5. Who was literally impeached?
  6. eddxasdesade
  7. fesfsdefsfesf
  8. rgtvhbf
  10. FEFS

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