who are you in let's go luna ?

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this show is amazing and y'all need to watch this . if you familiar with rocko's modern life and camp lazlo , then you need to watch this show !!!!!!!

also this is kumi so if your my friend and you know me , then im the one who made this quiz jajajaja !!! it is iconic !! you need to watch foreal !!!!

Created by: kumi
  1. do you love food ?
  2. do you love art and painting ?
  3. do you love music ?
  4. do you believe there's always tomorrow ?
  5. do you love to travel ?
  6. what place would you travel to ?
  7. which one is better ?
  8. what color do you like ?
  9. what do you think of the show let's go luna ?
  10. who do you think you will get ?
  11. who created this quiz ? (lol)

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Quiz topic: Who am I in let's go luna ?
