Who are you from the Hunger Games?

Like the Hunger Games, I know I do! Everyone has a favorite Hunger Games character. What’s yours? This quiz will tell who you are from the Games, or who you most identify with. Is it your favorite character? Take the quick quiz to find out.

The quiz has no right or wrong answers, so answer honestly and do not rig the answers so you get who you think you want. The possible outcomes are characters from the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. Good luck 🍀!

Created by: Canadian Roots
  1. What are you good at or wish you could be good at!
  2. It’s a Friday Afternoon and you have the day off, what do you do?
  3. People usually describe you as...
  4. You’re in the Hunger Games and you see another tribute. They seem to be in good condition and are handy with a knife 🔪. What do you do?
  5. What is your favorite weather?
  6. If we gave you a choice what Hunger Games character would you be
  7. How bad is your stage fright on a scale of 1-8?
  8. If you were in the Hunger Games, how would you feel about killing?
  9. Have you read the Hunger Games books?
  10. What’s your style?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the Hunger Games?
