who am i and were do i belong in the worrior world

I made this quiz because I love cat worrior's and i've a lot of other quizs and decided I wanted to make my own.Ialso made it because i as bored and it seemed fun.

The other reason i made it was so people can see who they are in the worrior world.I also wanted to give more chances for you to see diffrent names and descripsions.

Created by: rose
  1. What food would you perfer?
  2. Who would you perfer to be youre mentor?
  3. what name would you perfer?
  4. What coler would you want to be?
  5. What eye coler would you perfer?
  6. what rank are you?
  7. Where would you perfer to live?
  8. How do you see yourself?(desribe)
  9. Do you want kits?
  10. witch clan do you like the most?(i can't pick between 1,2,and3(answer wise)

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