Which WoF Tribe Are You?

You MUST answer honestly, or your tribe will be incorrect. This is enough characters, but I'm just going to type some random things down in the second paragraph.

Because I don't know what else to type, I will just say I hope you enjoy the quiz. Dedicated to all the Wings of Fire fans.

Created by: Don'tWannaShareIt
  1. Favorite Character? (Answer one of the choices below)
  2. What's Your Favorite Type of Weather? (of the choices below)
  3. Choose a Word (from the choices below) to Describe You.
  4. What is Your Favorite Element?
  5. What Tribe Are You Hoping to Get?
  6. What's Your Favorite Color? (from the choices below)
  7. Which Character is Your Least Favorite?
  8. Are You Ready to See Your Results?
  9. Sorry! But you have to wait, because the minimum questions is ten, and we're on question nine.
  10. If you want your result, you have to get through me.

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Quiz topic: Which WoF Tribe am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Wings of Fire Quiz category.
