Which Warrior Cat Are You?

Take this quiz I beg you it is funny and there is new warriors then the last warriors lease are made up plz take this quiz I am sare you will like it very much.

If you want to no what is in this quiz come check it out. Plz take it do you no how to take a quiz if you don't where you ben all this time! Come and play this it is very funny trust me!.

Created by: Kacee
  1. Which are you?
  2. What do you do when you see a fox on your land?
  3. What your faverite food?
  4. If you where in a battle with rats what whould you do?
  5. What is your color pelt?
  6. Whos your faverite? Cat?
  7. Whos your best couple?
  8. What your tail look like?
  9. What your patered look like?
  10. What's your faverit clan of these?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I?