Which TWDG Season 2 Character Are You?

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The Walking Dead Season 2 - The Game. 10 Characters. 10 Personalities. What will you do, when someone point a gun at you? Could you kill? Could you put your life on the line for somebody?

You're about to find out. Answer honestly, do not hesitate and think fast. Good luck, Telltale Community Members and The Walking Dead Game fans!

Created by: fallandir

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The best place to set up a camp?
  2. Two of your companions start to argue over small can of beans. One of them is holding a knife, the second one is unarmed. You decided to...
  3. You're new in a group of surviviors. You are heading up to the camp and you start feeling tired. Others seem just fine. You decided to...
  4. Walkers trapped you in the small house. You managed to close the door, but they're keep coming. You decided to..
  5. You came across a lone walker. He's wearing military armour and a helmet. You also see a large bag on his shoulder. You decided to...
  6. You met up with a pair of survivours - middle aged man and a little girl. He asks you for food, but you have only a soda can you found at the gas station a while ago. You decided to...
  7. You follow the highway, when suddenly you see a blocade made of cars. You hear some walkers. You decided to...
  8. Stranger with a knife surprised you on the road. He told you to stop and give him your backpack. You have a gun, but there's not a single bullet left. You decided to..
  9. You found a bleeding man. You can see the bite on his arm. He looks at you pleadingly, then starts coughing. You decided to...
  10. You see somebody fighing with walkers. He's in trouble. You decided to...
  11. Could you put your life on the line for people you know, who cannot protect thmeselves?
  12. If the loved one was bitten, could you do the right thing?

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Quiz topic: Which TWDG Season 2 Character am I?