Who have you become? (TWDG Season 2)

Who have you become? The Walking Dead Game Season 2 is now over. This Quiz will show you who you truly are and describe personality you've created. Answer honestly and do not hesitate.

Survival, humanity or something else? Pizza, ice cream, or neither of them? Picture yourself in the hard situation and try to stay alive no matter what.

Created by: fallandir
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which weapon you enjoyed the most in Season 2?
  2. Which group would fit you the best?
  3. Carver was...
  4. Kenny was...
  5. Jane was...
  6. Luke was...
  7. Which sentence do you agree with?
  8. Your group is starving. You volunteered to go alone to the abandon city and look for the supplies. You found some canned food and a small pack of crackers, but there is not enough for everyone. You decided to...
  9. It's getting darker. You stumbled upon a boarded up house. It looks like a good place to spend the night. Suddenly, someone appears in the distance. He's coming towards the building, holding a rifle in his hands. You decided to...
  10. You're travelling with a bitten companion. He collapse from exhaustion, then ask you to give him your gun and go without him. You decided to...
  11. The night came, but you are still wandering through the woods. You saw a half-built building a few hours ago, but there were some walkers inside. It's cold and rainy, and you're starting to feel tired, you can barely keep on your feet. You decided to...
  12. You found bag full of supplies, but you can take only one thing. You decided to..
  13. The last one. Your Clementine is...

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