Which TMI couple are you the child of?

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Do you wish you were a part of the mortal instruments well this quiz is to find out which couple you would be the child of. BOYS AND GIRLS WELCOME !!!

Find out your name, hair colour, eye colour, Personality. The line up includes Clary and Jace, Simon and Izzy and Alec and Magnus. Thank you for taking my quiz.

Created by: Fictionmaniac11
  1. What is your hair colour?
  2. What is your hair like?
  3. Who do you ship?
  4. What is your eye colour?
  5. What is your personality like?
  6. What would be your Stereotype?
  7. What would be your ideal weapon?
  8. Who do you think looks more like you? (DOESN'T MATTER WHAT GENDER)
  9. Freebie!!!!!!!!!
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which TMI couple am I the child of?