Which The Fault In Our Stars Character Are You? My old one stoppe

Wow! You're pretty smart. Could I be like you? That's pretty awesome, but in a scale from one to ten on how awesomely smart you are, you're a four billion and for!

YOU did that? You sure? You're pretty smart. Mr. Or Mrs. Intellectual! It's totally preposterous that you did this. But okay then! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You really did surprise me. Nice job!

Created by: Anastasia Tomlinson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have a life threatening disease upon your poor soul. You have if not then less than the months to live. Your parents will NOT pay for your operation. What do you do?
  2. You found a donor willing to pay for your operation. How will you repay them for saving your life?
  3. Your donor dies of a fatal heart attack, and your parents are going to watch you die. They still don't want to pay for your operation. You'll only live another two months. You will…
  4. A bully starts to beat down a student because he won't do his homework for him. You're sitting on a bench. You will…
  5. You have never seen your father cry before. He grabs your wrist. You click away. He pulls you back. You resist. He is crying for you to come back, but you need something as an emergency to live over on the other side of the room. "I need my ………" he lets you go. He cried even harder. You feel…
  6. Your favorite book goes missing. You last saw your mother with our. You will…
  7. You have successfully found another donor! Congratulations! They have already paid for the operation so if they somehow die just got your luck, it's already paid for. You will…
  8. The Day before your operation, your parents sit you down. They say "Son/Honey, we didn't pay for your operation because the doctor has said that you'll either (A) die during surgery, or (B) live with a perminate disability and die in two weeks. You will say
  9. You successfully went through your surgery, though a side affect, is that you will die in two if not then less than that, weeks. You have the mind of a three year old until you die. You will…
  10. Somehow, you survived those two weeks. Now, you will love for thirty more years! Congratulations. Sorry that I can't think of another question, did you read the book? This will also count toward your character toll because… I've said too much

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Quiz topic: Which The Fault In Our Stars Character am I? My old one stoppe