Which TFA character are you (coming out soon)

This a quiz about a TV series that'll be coming around sooner or later and now open the link and do this quiz please, please, please do this amazingly great quiz

You should do this quiz if you wanna look ahead into the future or if you're just very bored i swear in the name of go this quiz will have very good results

Created by: Jace Striker
  1. What name do you like the best?
  2. What age do you wanna be from these?
  3. Where do you wanna live?
  4. What do you want your power to be (from the ones given)
  5. What hair colour from the ones given do you want
  6. What kind of a person are or were you at school
  7. which eye colour do you like from the ones given
  8. what type of grades do you mostly get
  9. pick one
  10. what do you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which TFA character am I (coming out soon)

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