which Tashlynqua character are you?

The Tale of Tashlynqua: The Expansion of Evil Everyone who lives in Tashlynqua, who is still Good, knows that the Evil must be destroyed before the Serpent takes hold of everyone he can get his coils on... King Zrellen of the Elves appoints two people to send a message to the humans and the dragons to let them know that they are ready to attack the Evil. It's not two who end up going, however, but three. These three have more of an adventure than they bargained for, and they wonder if the Evil even has a chance of being destroyed. Or can Evil truly be destroyed at all? They have soon to find out...

Who are YOU in my book? Are you Evil, or Good? Are you an Elf, a dragon, or a human? Find out in this quiz, a quiz to figure out what character you are most like in 'The Expansion of Evil'!

Created by: Noah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at a meeting with lots of important people, when you trip and fall. You are unharmed, but everyone starts to laugh. You:
  2. You heard that people are needed for a quest. You:
  3. You have an Evil enchantment coming upon you, and a guy who doesn't know who he really is was put in charge of you. You:
  4. You are most likely to be seen wearing:
  5. You are mostly:
  6. You wish:
  7. You are tied down by an enemy, and told to join the opposite side, or die. You:
  8. Your best friend is killed by an enemy in the middle of a war. You:
  9. Which do you like the best:
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Tashlynqua character am I?