Which Super Hero are YOU?

Ever wonder what Super Hero you're most like? What is a Super Hero? A Super Hero is someone special who does extraordinary things on a daily basis.

Are YOU a Super Hero? Which one? You know you're super, but are you a hero? Do you have what it takes? Only one way to find out! Take the quiz and see what you got!

Created by: Shannon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. How would you rather work?
  3. How do you think you're generally perceived by others?
  4. How many "close" friends do you have?
  5. Are you a leader?
  6. How do you get around town?
  7. Who's your favorite super hero?
  8. Which would you prefer as a birthday present?
  9. At Halloween, what would you rather have as part of your costume?
  10. Are you a
  11. Would you rather
  12. Would you rather be a
  13. Would you rather live in

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Quiz topic: Which Super Hero am I?