The Super Squad(Mentor)!!!

You've been selected to join the Super Squad, the most elite team of superheroes to ever walk this planet. These four heroes are the best of the best!

They Zion; the hidden ninja of the night, Firework; the flaming hero of heat, Plasma Puppy; an adorable golden warrior, and Power Boy; the strongest hero there is. One of these heroes will be your mentor. Hope you get who want!!!

Created by: AnneOnamyss
  1. Congratulations!!! You've received an invitation to join the Super Squad!
  2. Before you become a full-fledged superhero, you must first have a superhero mentor from the squad. Who do you want?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. How would others describe you?
  5. Which element do you prefer?
  6. What is your favorite book series?
  7. What is your favorite movie series?
  8. Which season do you prefer?
  9. What colors do you prefer?
  10. Your mentor has been chosen. Better go find out you got!

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