Which Stuffed animal are you?

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This is a personality quiz. No personality is bad, and guess what; your a stuffed animal! Is your personality different as a stuffy? Are.., you different?

Remember if you don't like your answer or clicked the wrong thing, you can always re-take the quiz. If you don't have an answer, choose the thing that is closer or one that says no effect.

Created by: Catherineslovescats
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your gender? (If non bindery/rather not say, no effect.)
  3. Which one would you rather be your " owner "?
  4. What is your personality (If you are alone, chose. If there is someone who knows you -such as a friend or family member- around, ask them.
  5. What's your favorite animal, out of these few?
  6. What one to you hope to get? (Not effecting the ending answer)
  7. Did you enjoy this quiz? (No effect)
  8. Do you collect stuffed animals?
  9. Nearing the end!
  10. Do you have a stuffie you really want?

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Quiz topic: Which Stuffed animal am I?
