Which Star Wars Character are You?

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Throughout the star wars galaxy their are many characters, ranging from the good to the bad, from the old to the young, and from the wise to the foolish.

But which character are you? Are you the wicked Emperor or the wise Yoda? Are you the Cruel Count Dooku or the Brave Obi-Wan? Or maybe your the Fearless Darth Vader or his heroic counterpart Anikain.

Created by: Lord Vile
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which side of the force would you use?
  2. What colour is your lightsaber?
  3. What would you do for your own gain?
  4. You are given the chance to kill all of your enemies and you?
  5. You are offered a place of high rank in a very corrupt council do you?
  6. You discover a plot to kill the chancellor what do you do?
  7. The killing goes ahead and you are offered the chancellor's place do you?
  8. You turn down the offer and get called to the Jedi temple, upon arrival you?
  9. Do you prefer Jedi or Sith?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?(no effect on your result)

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Quiz topic: Which Star Wars Character am I?