Which Soul Eater character are you? | Comments

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  • Congratulations! You are Maka Albarn, a determined and courageous young girl who is destined for greatness! You're the leader of your group of friends, and you will always help them out and cheer them up. Although your relationship with your dad is not the best, you fight on and achieve great things! Go Maka!

    This is very, VERY accurate. I definitely identify with Maka... I even have problems with my father. Excellent quiz! :D

  • Congratulations! You are Soul Eater Evans, the coolest weapon in Death city! You've got the looks, the power, and the cool attitude that make your life the coolest kind of cool. You're generally a chillax kind of person, but you will place yourself in danger at the drop of a hat. You're willing to die for your friends, but you're also quick to joke and laugh with them. Stay cool, Soul!

    yeah, sure xd

  • imma gun bit-cheese nya :P

  • Hahaha! I got Kid. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's my favorite character and all... But I'm not too obsessed with symmetry! Just a little... I mean... DAD! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE PICTURE FRAMES IN THE LIVING ROOM?! THEY MUST ALWAYS BE EVEN WITH THE GROUND!!!!!! God... Some people! It's disgusting!

  • Patty!:D

    Congrat ulations! You are Patty Thompson, one of Death the Kid's hot pistols. You're pretty crazy, and full of energy and pizazz. You're always cheerful, and don't get scared easily. While you can be pretty out there, you know how to bring your friends back down to earth. You may also have a love-hate relationship with giraffes.

    Accura te! Except I have a love hate relationship with Penguins, not giraffes.x3

    Chro na is a guy, Last I hear.o.o'

  • Your Result: Maka

    Congratulat ions! You are Maka Albarn, a determined and courageous young girl who is destined for greatness! You're the leader of your group of friends, and you will always help them out and cheer them up. Although your relationship with your dad is not the best, you fight on and achieve great things! Go Maka!

    Pretty much true so congratz on making an awesome quiz

    P.S. I heard Chrona was really a boy, but I wished they'd tell us officially


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