Which Sibling in My Family Are You?

Hi! This is just a fun quiz that can tell you which of me or my siblings that you are like. I hope you enjoy! Also, put in the comments who you got! Have fun!

A few notes:First, the appearance questions probably won’t describe you, so choose the closest one or pick other. No cheating on the math question!The first five questions are appearance, second five are school, and last five are general.

Created by: Raegan
  1. Hair?
  2. Eyes?
  3. Do you have freckles?
  4. How tall are you?
  5. How do you describe your looks overall?
  6. How are your grades?
  7. What’s your favorite school subject?
  8. Are you smart?
  9. Do you enjoy school?
  10. Quick! 21750/3625
  11. Favorite food?
  12. Sports?
  13. How old are you?
  14. Are you a girl or boy?
  15. Lastly, what will you do after this?

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Quiz topic: Which Sibling in My Family am I?
