Which Secret of Moonacre character are you

Do you love the secret of Moonacre then you will love this quiz it will tell you which character you are most like.i hope you get my favorite character

Do you love the secret of Moonacre then you will love this quiz it will tell you which character you are most like.i hope you get my favorite character

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a lost bunny what do you do
  2. You see a tree with a door what do you do
  3. You come across a girls ribbon what do you do
  4. You get a knife held at your neck
  5. You are mad because
  6. You are sad because
  7. Who's your favorite character
  8. Do like the movie the secret of Moonacre
  9. Do you like have a crush on robin
  10. What is your favorite dress on maria

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Quiz topic: Which Secret of Moonacre character am I