Which Season are You?

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Everyone knows they come eventually, and there's no escape no matter how much you may hate some of them. Of course I'm talking about the four seasons!

So which of these four seasons are you most like? Are you spring, summer autumn/fall, or winter? Well, by taking this quiz, you just might find out! Go ahead, it won't take long...

Created by: TheSilentMime
  1. Which of these activities would you prefer doing?
  2. Which of these drinks would you rather have?
  3. Pick an animal (out of these).
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. Which of these colors do you like best?
  6. Pick a plant.
  7. Which sounds more like the connection you have with your friends?
  8. Which environment would you feel most comfortable in?
  9. Final question: What attire do you prefer?
  10. Okay, the quiz is over... so did you like it, and will you leave a comment? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Season am I?