Which scream queens character are you

have you seen scream queens the show that sadly got cancelled in 2017 well here’s a fun and accurate quiz to find out which scream queens character you most like

Are you Chanel#1 ,2,3,5,6\hester or pZayday take this quiz to find out and remember to rate it after thank you so much and tell your friends to check out this quiz

Created by: Nola
  1. what describes you best
  2. Who do u have a crush on
  3. Do you feel alive
  4. Choose an item
  5. Choose a murderer
  6. WhAts your lucky number
  7. Do u have acrush
  8. How would you kill someone
  9. How much can u handle blood
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which scream queens character am I
