Which Popalino clown are you?

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The Circus Wonderland... that's what this quiz is based upon. I saw the circus in Devizes, and I realised that I liked both of the clowns at that circus. True story!

So, which one of them are you? Popol or Kakehole? Well, there's only one way to find out. This quiz will tell you EVERYTHING. Hopefully, you'll turn out not to be one of the clowns anyway.

Created by: Danielle Shackleford
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend hasn't given you the money they said they'd pay back to you, so you...
  2. Are you forgetful?
  3. Are you a cry baby?
  4. Are you filthy rich?
  5. Here's a daft question. Do you work in a circus?
  6. Another daft question. Do you like clowns?
  7. Your boss makes you redundant even though you're the best employee, so you...
  8. Please don't kill me, but... do you fancy any of the two clowns?
  9. Why did you take this quiz?
  10. Be honest here... but... are you going to kill me?
  11. Did you enjoy this pointless quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Popalino clown am I?