Which Pokemon Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Pokemon Are You?

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  • Chimchar/Monferno/I nfernape

    you are fun, curious, outgoing, and strong. you love to have fun,and you are powerful, like fire. but you know when its time to get serious and fight. not many things scare you.

    yes! totally right! NUTHIN' scares me! xD but.im not much of a Pokemon fan tho..but..i enjoyed this quiz! xD 10/10 stars!

  • Sorry i was testing before i made an account i am the same person that made the quiz thanks for commenting or looking at the comments!

  • Chimchar/Monferno/I nfernape

    you are fun, curious, outgoing, and strong. you love to have fun,and you are powerful, like fire. but you know when its time to get serious and fight. not many things scare you.

  • Im so happy everyone likes my quiz! i always get Chimchar/Monferno/I nfernape:) Thanks for taking the quiz and please tell your friends!


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