Which Pokemans Character are you?

There are many pokemon in the world of pokemon. Over 600 in fact. Many have different types and advantages. Legendary pokemon have the most power. Do you?

What pokemon character are you? There are only a few (max was ten, but I put less because of time). You don't have many choices, and some questions have nothing to do with the answer (see 9 through 12).

Created by: Dakota
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like fire?
  2. Do you like the water?
  3. Do you have many friends?
  4. Are you strong?
  5. Do you like hanging out with people?
  6. What reigon do you live in?
  7. This is just a filler, answer to get your pokemon
  8. Another filler
  9. do you have a GF/BF?
  10. This is the last one. I got bored on 11. XD

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemans Character am I?