Which Pirate101 life will you have

If you don't really know which class you should be in, do this quiz and find out which one are you. Anwser the quetions truefully and you will know. Have Fun

There is many people out there who already think the they know what class is the best but if you don't know then take this quiz and find out now. Have Fun.

Created by: [no emails]
  1. Where would you rather be born?
  2. What weapon do you think is the most cool ist for battle?
  3. Which of these to you think is more cool for a crew?
  4. Which one of these would you have of an enemy?
  5. If you had like 20 chests full of gold, What would you spend it on?
  6. Which power do you think is the best?
  7. If you have to create a world, what would you people be like?
  8. What do you think is good for you?
  9. If you were the king of the world, What would you change
  10. Do you like Pirate101

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Quiz topic: Which Pirate101 life will I have