Which Personal Friend Are You Most Like?

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This is my first quiz, and it is based off of past experiences that I haven't done, but have been asked about with friends (not by friends, but they were asked the same thing). There are 5 end results.

I hope you enjoy, and I will be working on other quizzes too, so be sure to check those out too. Also check out my giphy, @IPL-SlipperyJumpingBean-SG-K_Watt99_Purified.Drinking.Water_M.O.D.C.S.P.B.A.

Created by: SlipperyJumpingB
  1. You walk into a kid in your grade (7th grade), and see him vaping. What do you do?
  2. Your friend asks you if you want to go play hide and seek after school in the auditorium, once the lights turn off. What do you say?
  3. Your friend asks you if you want to stay after school and walk to Pizza Hut without asking if you can walk there, but you ask if you can stay. What do you say?
  4. Your friend asks you to stay after school until 4:30, but it is Wednesday, you have homework, and you have church at 5:00. What do you say and do?
  5. Your friend asks if you want to meet on the weekend, and go to somewhere in the forest to smoke. What do you do?
  6. What is your favorite number?
  7. What is your favorite hair style?
  8. What is your favorite soda?
  9. What is your favorite car?
  10. What is your favorite brand?

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Quiz topic: Which Personal Friend am I Most Like?

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