Does she like you back? For Middle School Boys

Hello fellow Middle Schoolers! This is a quiz based on my Middle School experience that will tell you if your crush likes you back. Please note this is mostly based on friends' and other people's crushes, and any developing relationships that happened this past year.

This quiz is my first quiz, so it may or may not be accurate (I don't know). Please tell me in the comments what you thought, it would help! :) Have fun!

Created by: PokemonGuru1045
  1. Do you catch her looking at you often?
  2. Do her friends ask you questions often, or do they give clues referring to your crush?
  3. Do you catch her blushing around you?
  4. Does she compliment you?
  5. Does she flirt with you?
  6. Does she change around you (you know what I mean)
  7. What's your favourite colour? (Sorry, I had to take up space). Don't hate me... please.
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Will you rate this quiz?
  10. Finally, what do you think you got?

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