Which person from The school for good and evil are you?

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So... Hello! Thanks for taking my quiz! Sorry, I was too lazy so I only put Dot, Sophie, Agatha, Tedros, and Beatrix. Sorry if you want more. If you do then put it in the comments with your score.

*Sigh* Why do I have to put 2 paragraphs? I don't spam like other people but I will say random things. You can skip ahead to the quiz... Have fun! Oh finally done. Bye!

Created by: Starlight Milky of My profile
(your link here more info)
  1. What would you do if some random person was getting "attacked" by a animal.
  2. Do you think you are pretty or handsome?
  3. How good are you
  4. Do you think you belong in the school for good or evil?
  5. Who is your favorite character
  6. (DON'T KILL ME!) *deep breath* What is your favorite color out of these
  7. Animal
  8. Would you rather live in...
  9. If one of your parents died and your other one remarried would you want to kill them?
  10. If you got into the school for evil what would you do

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Quiz topic: Which person from The school for good and evil am I?
