Which Percy Jackson Character Would Be Your Boyfriend

This quiz is very accurate and doesn't have anything misspelled. This quiz took a lot of time and I hope you liked it.

Have you ever wondered which Percy Jackson character would be your boyfriend? Well this quiz will awnsers your question, with complete accuracy.

Created by: annabanannabeth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like in a guy?
  2. Out of the *Big Three* who's your favorite?
  3. Do you care if ....
  4. Which girl from any Percy Jackson book you think your most like?
  5. Do you want to be a Hunter of Artimis?(Aphrodite can do nothing to you. She has sworn upon the Rive Styx to do nothing)
  6. What is you favorite(get over it I'm asking the question) colour?
  7. What would you do with your boy friend on a date?
  8. Would you help your boyfriend with school?
  9. If you could use any of these weapons, which would it be?
  10. Do you think keeping secrets is bad for relationships?

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Quiz topic: Which Percy Jackson Character Would Be my Boyfriend