Which Pecry Jackson character are you?

This is an amazing quiz about stuff about percy jackson . Now Im talking just cause I have to.

Ponys. Rainbows. Bruce Lee. Peanut butter. Elephants. Cats. Dogs. uhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Ponys?

Created by: Bella
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. If you see a person being picked on, what do you do?
  3. Which would you rather eat?
  4. Your weapon of choice?
  5. If you had a chance to lead a quest, would you?
  6. What do you think of Dionyses(The wine dude)?
  7. What did you do during the Titan War?
  8. What do you thinkk of Rachel Elizabeth Dare?
  9. Last Question....Did you like this quiz?(No effect)
  10. (I lied) Last last Question....Which one

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Quiz topic: Which Pecry Jackson character am I?