Which Pack Character are you?

You probably don't know anything about this quiz but give it a go maybe you will get something really good as your results. If you don't like my quiz that's ok we all have our own personal opinions.

the results that you might get are Maya, Snowy, Puffball or Elijah. Maya and Elijah are similar you don't want to mess with them. Snowy and Puffball, however, give many second chances. :)

Created by: Sena
  1. blue or brown?
  2. which most resembles your personality?
  3. your favourite hobby?
  4. What describes you best?
  5. which word describes you best?
  6. which are you?
  7. Which colour is best with you?
  8. what is your spirit animal?
  9. if it's your last meal on earth What do you crave?
  10. how do you want to impact the world?

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Quiz topic: Which Pack Character am I?
