Which One Direction boy should you date?

Undecided who in one direction you're most like? YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!!!! All the guys in 1D have different personalities, and maybe yours is similar?

Take this quiz and find out! GIRLS ONLY QUIZ! Cause ummm... I don't think guys like to think about who in one direction they'd wanna date? So um.. Yeah. Enjoy the quiz! Please, vote and comment at the end telling me your results! I'd love to know who you were paired up with ;) ~ xoxo, Stella

Created by: Stella
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. Which outfit would you prefer?
  4. In one word, (or more..) how would you describe yourself?
  5. Favorite sport?
  6. Who's your favorite band member? (I PROMISE THAT THIS QUIZ IS NOT BASED SOLELY ON THIS QUESTION!)
  7. Top priority?
  8. When you have children, OR If you already have children (it doesn't really matter) what do you want to have? Or what did you want to have?
  9. I've ran out of questions to ask......... 0.0 sorry....
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which One Direction boy should I date?