Which of the Night/Light Fury (Night Lights) are you?

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This quiz is basically about *Cues the drums* What Night Light you are! There are three results. There is Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner. They are the three results.

They are the offspring of Toothless and Luna (Light Fury), and They are so ADORABLE!!!! I can't wait to see your results, as well as my result! Enjoy!!!

Created by: Ravenclaw4life
  1. What is your personality like?
  2. What would you name your dragon? (From these choices)
  3. Would you go on adventures with your dragon?
  4. What was your first thought(s) on Luna? (Light Fury)
  5. Toothless or Luna?
  6. If you saw toothless for the first time, what would your reaction be?
  7. If you were a dragon, would you go up to them, or let them come to you?
  8. Are you a home-body or more of an outside person?
  9. Pick a food!
  10. What kind of chocolate you like?
  11. Rate this quiz! (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which of the Night/Light Fury (Night Lights) am I?
