What Nightlight would I ride?

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In this quiz you will have three results. Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner! The offsprings of the Lightfury and Toothless. I each are so adorable but you can only ride one!

When taking the quiz please answer honestly. I know you probably have a favourite, you can always take the quiz again too! I hope you enjoy!!!! *plasna blast* Eeee

Created by: Firefly1O1
  1. What is your Nightlight’s appearance?
  2. Do you care what gender? If so answer boy or girl
  3. Where do you want to fly with your dragon?
  4. You and your dragon find a hunter ship, what do you do?
  5. Let’s say you get captured by the same hunter ship how do you get out?
  6. Who is your favourite Fury?
  7. What is your Nightlight’s personality?
  8. What do you and your dragon love to do?
  9. What is your weapon of choice?
  10. Are you and your dragon good at fighting?
  11. Are you a leader or a follower?
  12. You see a dragon what do you do?
  13. How did you like this quiz? (This affects your result)

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