Which of the Enneagram Types are you?

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Welcome to this Enneagram quiz that was made with the most non-personality oriented questions! It is meant to analyze you and figure out what kind of person you are, but not in the most accurate way, so don't take it too seriously.

This quiz will determine which of the 9 Types in the Enneagram you are, and if you don't understand what the Enneagram is all about, don't worry! I'll just explain your type and what it defines your personality in your results!

Created by: Iamlevil
  1. The most importat question of all... choose a color!
  2. Choose an element! Not the actual elements though.
  3. Choose a season!
  4. Which was/is your favorite school subject?
  5. Now! Time for the actually personality oriented questions! You wake up in the morning and look yourself in the mirror. It's you. Who are you?
  6. Picture you in a small group of friends. Which one are you?
  7. Imagine you see a friend having trouble with something. Would you help them?
  8. What do you want?
  9. Which of the following is most important to you?
  10. Do any of these flaws belong to you?
  11. Do you relate to any of these?
  12. Do you wish you could change parts of yourself? If so, in which way would you change?
  13. Which do you hate to hear?
  14. Choose which of the following represents you better!
  15. As a child, which of the following did you experience?
  16. Which scares you the most?
  17. Let's go back to being a goofy test! You suddenty appear in another world! Filled with magical creatures and strange buildings! What would you do?
  18. Choose a name for a fake cereal brand!
  19. What flavor do you think you are? Answer honestly!
  20. You get hired as a teacher for one week! What's your plan?
  21. Boom! You're now a superhero with the powers to control whichever element you chose in question 2! What do you do?
  22. The popular question: Which High-school movie tropes are you?
  23. Let's go on a vacation! Where should we go? What would you do?
  24. Not so fun but still in this part. How do you handle stress?
  25. Let's choose a DnD class! I did not make these up!
  26. Do you know what's good for bad? Then... Let's become villains!!! What kind of super evil villain would you be?
  27. Imagine you're a character in a videogame! Which is your highest stat?
  28. Let's say there is a stranger following you, or perhaps you two are just headed the same way? Anyway, what do you do?
  29. Are you extroverted, or introverted?
  30. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?
  31. Which do you value the most?
  32. Which do you struggle with the most?
  33. Which do you prefer? Order or Chaos?
  34. Which do you trust most when making choices?
  35. Intelligence, emotion, or willpower? Which do you struggle with, and confide in?
  36. Black, white, or gray?

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Quiz topic: Which of the Enneagram Types am I?
