Which of my Top 3 Japanese cartoons should you watch?

This quiz includes my 3 favorite cartoons from Japan: Captain Tsubasa, Doraemon, and Crayon Shin-chan. One's about soccer, another's about a failing schoolboy, and the last's about a mature kindergartener.

I'll tell you some of the real stories. Captain Tsubasa is actually about an adult Tsubasa, who was dreaming the series the whole time while he was in a coma. Doraemon is about a 9-year old boy, who has schizophrenia, which is a disease that makes one have hallucinations, and Nobita hallucinated Doraemon, a cat robot from the future. And Shinchan, is actually about a kindergartener who died in a car crash, and his mom drew several pictures with a crayon while Shinchan was still living, and people edited it to make a cartoon: Crayon Shinchan. All sad endings :(

Created by: Anonymous of Which Doraemon Character are You?
(your link here more info)
  1. How many seasons do you want the cartoon to have?
  2. How many films do you want to have?
  3. How many 'main' characters do you want (the main character means that you see them in almost every episode)?
  4. Do you want the main character to be...
  5. Do you want the main character to have a crush on the opposite gender?
  6. How old do you want the characters to be?
  7. What do you want the cartoon to be about?
  8. What do you want the main character's mom to be mad at?
  9. What job do you want for the main character's father?
  10. Do you want the main character to have a sibling?
  11. What do you want the main character's hobby to be?
  12. What do you want the main character to say?
  13. How long do you want each episode to be?
  14. Do you want the main character to have bullies?
  15. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Top 3 Japanese cartoons should I watch?
