Which of my teachers are you like?

I know you're not reading this, so....................................................................................................................

Skatch, Robinson, Arras, Gardes, Hall, Wells, Kruger, Mastin, Wood, Romanaggi, are the results you can get. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO

Created by: woodnicole7

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A kid keeps playing with the hand sanitizer, you...
  2. You became a teacher because...
  3. Do you like superheroes?
  4. Do you speak German as well as English?
  5. What is your sexual orientation?
  6. Do you cuss around teens?
  7. Are you an actor/actress or an aspiring one?
  8. Are you active?
  9. What's your body type?
  10. Lastly, are you married or have kids of your own?

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Quiz topic: Which of my teachers am I like?