Which of my guineapigs r u?

My guineapigs r cool u wanna find out what one of them u r like? TAKE THE QUIZ TAKE THE QUIZ TAKE THE QUIZ TAKE THW QUIZ. Thankyou very much for taking the quiz sorry u have to read this enjoy!

Now you know which Guineapig u are like I hope you liked it ! It's my first one do please don't be harsh!

Created by: Morgan
  1. Be honest. Are you greedy?
  2. Will u steel food off people? Or siblings,
  4. Are u quiet.
  5. Do you have many friends?
  6. Boom bada boom ba
  7. Ok I know this is wierd but if u have to live of two vegetables for the rest of your life what would they be?
  8. Ginger or patch fur?
  9. Can u like this quiz it's my first one.
  10. Enjoyed the quiz?

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