Which NBB Character Are You?

This test is to see who you would most be like in the NBB. It is to see who you would be and what you do. I hope that everyone who takes my quiz will be happy.

Are you Nat Wolff? Are you Alex? Rosalina? David? Quissam? Or are you Thomas? Those are the questions my quiz is answering, I hope that all of you have a good time!

Created by: keegan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which instrument best fits you?
  2. Which music do you like better?
  3. Which fits you best?
  4. Would you like to be in the NBB?
  5. Who would you date?
  6. Do you like to eat vegtables?
  7. Would you write a love song?
  8. Do you like dogs?
  9. Would you sing in front of a person you like?
  10. Do you like the NBB?

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Quiz topic: Which NBB Character am I?