which naruto boy has a crush on you?

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have you ever wondered what anime boy considerably naruto boy has a crush on you? well now you can find out! no i won't do how you meet or how you feel in love in this one but i will make one to where i do.

the reasults in this one include: kiba, shikimaru, naruto, garra, nejii, don't scream at me in the comments that i didn't include the sensi, or the akatsuki, or orichimaru or others. thank you and enjoy.

Created by: shinofan
  1. so which of these colors, *hides behind kakashi* are you favorite? *leaps into tree*
  2. who is your favoirte character from naruto?
  3. whats your favorite animal?
  4. now i know this is cringe, but... thoughts on sasuke?
  5. so untill i can think of a new question.. NARUTOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  6. so sorry about that... say? whats your pronouns?
  7. and now, leave it to fate.
  8. JK! did you enjoy? (will not effect reasults)
  9. so i need to put in two more questions. oki! um, favorite food? (idek at this point)
  10. so bye!

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