which mythical creature are you

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ahhhhhh i see you there going to play this quiz thing for i made it its not mythical creatures nor aphmau its both i think they are joining forces to take over the whole of minecraft then become evil and aphmau marries zane

ahhhhhh i see you there going to play this quiz thing for i made it its not mythical creatures nor aphmau its both i think they are joining forces to take over the whole of minecraft then become evil and aphmau marries zane and they have 100101 shildren

Created by: shadow
  1. which of the bellow is you fav animal ????
  2. which of the bellow is your fav mythical creature ????
  3. which of the bellow is fav colour ????
  4. which of the bellow is your way of saying bye ???? me- srry this is short its my first one and i couldnt think of much but thx 4 playing
  5. this has nothing to do w/ this but who is you dream one out of mcd (by aphmau)
  6. who is better
  7. who died in mcd ????
  8. who is the shild of the demon worloc in mcd ????
  9. how many shilds have aphmau lookd after
  10. who is the father to aphmaus shild in mcd

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Quiz topic: Which mythical creature am I