Which Modern Video Game Character are You?

Video games have been around for awhile. We remember the days of Mario and Luigi. They were bad-asses back in the day. The way they shot fire from there mouths or jumped on top of there enemies. Now adays characters are breaking necks, using high tech weaponry, and moving faster.

What character most represents you? What kind of game is for you? What are you like in the "real" world? I chose some of the most memerable and popular characters.

Created by: Ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get close enough to your victims that you can smell the sweat beading off of them before you kill them?
  2. Are you attracted to the opposite sex?
  3. What does your arsenal constist of?
  4. How good is your accuracy?
  5. How Agile are you?
  6. How sneaky are you?
  7. How well do you follow orders?
  8. How messy are you?
  9. How aggressive are you?
  10. How much can you take.

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Quiz topic: Which Modern Video Game Character am I?