Which Modern Politician Are You?

Politics is one of the most divisive topics in our country, as evidenced by the unique characters in the body politic. Governors, senators, presidents, representatives, all with a unique set of views.

Which politician do you think you're most like? Is it your own governor or senator? Or perhaps someone else? Take this quiz and find out! The answer may surprise you.

Created by: Joel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Healthcare: How should it be fixed?
  2. Gun Control: What's the answer?
  3. When it comes to taxes, we should...
  4. Foreign Policy: What should America's role be?
  5. Gay marriage:
  6. Abortion:
  7. Education: How do we fix our broken education system?
  8. Immigration: What do we do about immigration?
  9. Which ideology best describes you?
  10. Which party do you belong to?
  11. Which issue is most important to you?

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Quiz topic: Which Modern Politician am I?